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Oscar works at an awesome pet grooming business while attending college. He plans to go to medical school.

He celebrates his birthday today. Traditionally, someone smashes a cake in his face. This year he was told the celebration would deviate a bit. That’s where® came in. I sang the lovely little tune below. We all sang happy birthday. THEN someone came in with the cake from behind. Awesome! Happy Birthday Oscar!

Some folks think you are Middle Eastern
but we all know that you’re Guatemalan.
And we know that you’re quite tuned-in
to super sexy songstress Rhianna.

It’s so awesome that you’re in school
and work hard from the crow of the cock.
Maybe you and I can go practice
I’ll be your patient, you’ll be my doc.

Oscar, Oscar, Oscar, Oscar!

You love to eat, but are not fat.
You bike from Berwyn. My, that’s quite a hike!
You’re quite athletic, play with balls,
kick them around. You are a man I like!

It doesn’t matter what their size.
You like them whether they are big or small.
With lots of fur or closely shaved.
We thank you for blowing all of our dogs!